How to use our Wishlist feature when shopping for rugs
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How do I use your Wishlist feature when shopping for rugs?

One of the most valuable tools on our website is the ability to tag items as 'Favorites'. Rugs tagged as a Favorite are saved to your Wishlist, and you can create as many lists as you like!

To create a Wishlist, simply click the heart icon found in any product's detail page. To access this list, click again on this heart icon. In the lists page, you can create as many different lists as you need; access Your Lists by clicking on this link. To add items to any list, simply select that list and then start shopping!

For members of the trade working on several projects at once, this can be a useful way to organize by project or client; for our retail customers shopping for their personal residence, it can be a helpful way to organize products you're considering by room, size or color and make the decision process more organized.